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Taylor Pruett

Director of Preservation Services

301 Columbus St.

Montgomery, AL 36104


Landmarks Foundation's Preservation Consulting works on various contracts and developing new business.  In 2023 we resurveyed Prattville's downtown historic district. This district, known as the Daniel Pratt Historic District, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and locally as the Downtown Prattville Historic District. The National Register district was established in 1986, and the local district was last surveyed in 2006-2007. Prattville has experienced significant growth and investment since the last survey, and updating the information guides the staff of the City of Prattville in their future decision-making.

Our reporting resulted in the inclusion of post-World War II architecture. In future districts and nominations, these structures are considered historic. By including and focusing on these buildings they tell the history of an industrial southern town in the mid-20th century. Our report also helps the community to understand how many historic assets Prattville holds.


Taylor Pruett is excited to work with you on your preservation projects, and share her expertise in historic preservation with communities around our state. Consulting projects further serve Landmarks’ mission to preserve, interpret, and present central Alabama’s architecture, history, and culture.


For all your preservation questions, please use Landmarks Foundation inquiry form. 

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